Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Barefoot Running with the best Barefoot Running Shoes

Our feet are designed to work best without shoes. If you would notice, when you walk or run with shoes on, you lengthen your steps but if you compare your steps running barefoot, you have shorter steps. This is because when you have shoes on, your foot's position is pointed upward resulting your strides to land heel-first. When you run barefoot, your feet tend to be in a more natural and relaxed position so your foot lands on the forefoot and adjust the impact which results on optimum balance. Barefoot running can also increase your stability with less shock and improves your running efficiency.But running barefoot seems to be a dangerous step because there are lots of dangers waiting for your bare skin. You can either step into sharp objects, rocks or dirt. But that won't be a problem anymore.

Vibram FiveFingers shoes are designed to let you feel the benefits of running without shoes. It's totally like you are running with your barefoot. You can feel everything that's on the ground, the moist, the change of temperature, and the sharpness of the surface.Vibram FiveFingers provides all the benefits of barefoot running including shock absorption, greater agility, less deformed feet, and greater flexor strength with less risk of injuries. These shoes protect the skin from sharp objects while you run, in addition it delivers the same feeling when you run without shoes because it absorbs shock just like when you are running barefoot. This is the perfect alternative for barefoot running.With Vibram, running would never be that difficult for you anymore and it's more comfortable for your feet to work efficiently.

It enhances your sensory awareness because the designs of these shoes follow the shape of your foot and individually pocketing each toe. It works as your second skin and letting you perceive the terrain beneath your feet and at the same time provides optimum protection against sharp objects. Vibram FiveFingers are treated with an Aegis anti-microbial structure, and are machine washable to maintain freshness.Vibram shoes are ideal footwear for active people who want to run the natural way.

You can also use these shoes for walking, trekking, kayaking, water sports and other fitness training. According to a research done by Michael Warburton, a physical therapist in Australia, running barefoot decreases the likelihood of ankle sprains and chronic injuries. Some physical therapist also noted that these shoes can help people with plantar fasciitis; a painful inflammatory process of the plantar fascia. Most people experience this kind of foot injuries because of the modern lifestyle and not wearing proper footwear.

Vibram shoe ranges from $75 - $80 or more. If you are looking for Vibram FiveFingers, offers this kind of shoes. They have a wide variety of Vibram shoes for both men and women. They also offer different kinds of athletic shoes in very affordable prices. Now you can enjoy the benefits of barefoot running without damaging your feet. Go out, run and explore the secrets of natural running! - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Running In Barefoot Running Shoes

A large following and interest in barefoot running has been developed lately, encouraged by Christopher McDougall's book "Born to Run" which describes the Tarahumara or RarĂ¡muri, an indigenous peoples from Northern Mexico, who have been known to run long distances in thin soled sandals.

We recently assisted a runner with some video analysis as he trains to run a marathon wearing theVibram FiveFingers minimal shoe.Last year we discussed using video analysis to analyze rear foot pronation and attempted to see whether there was a difference in rear foot pronation between running in shoes and running barefoot. We described how a camera should be setup and the measurements that could be done. However, as we studied a runner who does not suffer from pronation we were only able to see a normal amount of pronation in the foot stance phase of his running.Our runnerwanted to determine how much he was pronating when running in his FiveFingers minimal shoes.

He also reported getting blisters under the pads of his feet and on his right big toe.He used all the techniques for filming his motion that we have discussed on this website in the past and sent the videos on to us. He set up to run on a treadmill at a constant speed of 8.3 miles per hour and ran 12 miles in total capturing video at intervals along the way. Set his camera on a tripod at the level of the treadmill to capture the video and his foot placement. He captured video both from the side view and the rear view so that we could assist him in analyzing his foot strike. From the video we have taken a few snapshots to help us analyze his foot strike characteristics.In the images above we can see a side view of the left and right foot strike. We can see that:Both the left and right foot is inverted at foot strike. This means the feet are turned in and the athlete lands on the outside of his foot.

The main muscle used to invert the foot is the Tibialis Anterior (the muscle on the outside of the shin bone). These muscles are also used to dorsi-flex the foot (lift the foot up). This can be seen in the video as the foot and toes are flexed back just before foot strike. Striking with an inverted foot can create a slapping of the foot onto the ground rather than a controlled foot placement. Striking with an inverted foot can also exaggerate any rear foot pronation. The foot strike is occurring toward the midfoot and not the heel.

This is to be expected when running in minimal shoes. The runner in barefoot running shoes is trying to avoid heel impact and is taking greater care to control his foot strike. Now we can look at his rear foot pronation. In this instance an estimate was made for rear foot pronation using a 4 point angle. Rearfoot pronation is measured as the amount of eversion (rotation inward) of the foot from heel strike through mid stance. The angle is measured by drawing a line along the center of the Tibia bone in the lower leg and another line describing the center line of the Calcaneus (heel bone).As our runner was concerned that he was pronating more in his right foot, we have looked only at his right foot here:The pronation angles displayed in the images above are estimates. As there are no markers identifying the necessary landmarks of the midline of the Tibia and the midline of the Calcaneus. The athlete lands with an inverted foot position.

The rear foot pronation angle of 171 degrees shows this. An angle of 180 degrees would be neutral while anything over 180 degrees is everted (pronated). At mid stance the athlete has 13 degrees of pronation (193-180). The foot is expected to evert (pronate) by approximately 10 degrees through mid stance for normal pronation. Therefore this would be considered excessive pronation. The eversion of the foot from foot strike to midstance is also rapid and large, pronating 22 degrees. As can be seen from the video and the images our runner pronates while running at 8.3 miles per hour. Our runner has been training in his Vibram FiveFingers shoes for less than 2 months. Prior to running in these minimal shoes he ran in a shoe offering maximum pronation support.

It may therefore be too early to tell whether the minimal shoes are improving his pronation by encouraging him to control his foot placement.Our runner has also been suffering from blisters, since wearing these shoes. Unfortunately a minimal shoe such as this will likely cause the foot to blister more readily. The shoes are worn without socks (as each toe is separated in the shoe)causing more friction between the shoe and the foot. Being that there is not much cushioning between the shoe and the road surface, any scraping on the hard road or treadmill surface will also cause friction and possible blisters.It is possible that our runner is in fact suffering from the effects of his blisters and is running as seen in the video because of the blisters on his foot.

The exaggerated inverted foot at foot strike may be a way of attempting to protect his foot from injury and further blisters.We still believe that barefoot running or running in minimal shoes will help to improve a runners mechanics. Barefoot Ken Bob Saxton says, "Don't strike the ground. If you do it'll strike back!" The idea of running barefoot or running in a minimal shoe is to feel your feet and understand how much they can take and to learn how to control your running so that you can continue running faster and with less injury.If you want to try running in minimal shoes, allow yourself sufficient time to get accustomed to running in them before trying to do to long a distance at too high a speed.Also pull out your video camera and film yourself. This will help you to visualize what you are doing and possibly help you to achieve success in a minimal shoe. We are always ready to offer our services to help you analyze your motion. - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How to Deal with Barefoot Running Problems

In a popular New York Times Magazine article this year, Adam Sternbergh makes the claim that "You Walk Wrong" It's a fascinating article that we highly recommend. Sternbergh explains and sheds some light on the biomechanical issues that ALINE holds dear.But there is a problem...

Mr. Sternbergh, like many well-intentioned barefoot advocates, fails to notice the 500 lb. Sasquatch in the room: its name is PAVEMENT.Feet have been evolving for 4-5 million years and are wonders of biomechanical engineering. They are well-suited for moving over the variable, natural terrain that humans encountered for 99.9999% of their evolution.Start pounding those same feet on hard, flat asphalt (or marble, tile, concrete, wood, you name it), and they break down quickly.

Most shoes only add to the problem, for the reasons discussed by Sternbergh. And just for kicks, throw in an adult foot that's been severely compromised by years of abuse and is now expected to go run barefoot... on pavement. Disaster.We started ALINE based on many decades of combined experience in sports and biomechanics, and we understand foot function better than most. What most people don't realize is that the bottom of your foot is constantly in motion, conforming to natural terrain and aligning the body with every step. That action just doesn't work well on pavement, and it's disabled by most shoes.ALINE's goal is to provide an interface that allows the foot to move in a natural way, especially on the hard, flat surfaces where we live, work and play.

First off, your ankle and knee alignment improves dramatically as soon as you stand on an ALINE. And once you start moving, ALINE's BFAST suspension lets your foot move naturally no matter what terrain you're on.Want proof? OK. ALINE athletes (who we don't pay to wear our insoles!) have won over a dozen X-Games medals in various sports, three PGA Tour events, several mountain biking national championships, and much more. More importantly, we get love letters daily from average people who can't thank us enough.The bottom line? The shoe problems that lead people to go barefoot are very real. But for modern feet in the modern world, ALINE is just better than barefoot.

For more information on barefoot running sandals, visit our website - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Monday, December 20, 2010

How to know if you should wear barefoot running shoes

In an age of high priced athletic shoes and broken glass on streets, barefoot running is a rare sight. But, more coaches and trainers are turning to barefoot training for their runners and now recreational athletes, tired of expensive shoes and lower extremities injuries, are picking up on this new trend. It is actually not so new, as people have been running barefoot for hundreds of years. Zola Budd made barefoot running famous by breaking the women's 5000 meter world record in 1984, running barefoot.

So, why are we all paying high dollar for cloth and rubber to surround our feet? Are shoes the problem or the solution? Many are not in agreement about barefoot running and the debate between barefoot proponents, coaches, trainers, runners and podiatrists is in full swing. Barefoot proponents claim that the shod foot (foot enclosed in a shoe) becomes weak over time when it is constricted. They also claim that the body is unable to sense the ground and adapt appropriately.

This inability to sense and adapt appropriately leads to injury. The body spends more energy when running in a shoe, than when running barefoot. Some runners claim that the few scratches on their feet were much less painful than the blisters they normally have to deal with after a half or full marathon.ResearchThe scientific evidence supporting barefoot running is lacking. A few small studies have supported barefoot running. One study in the Internal Journal of Sports Medicine found that there is actually less impact on the feet while running barefoot because of the way the body adjusts to the impact. Another study found that the body uses about 4% more energy while running in shoes as compared to running barefoot.

In underdeveloped countries with both shod and unshod feet, comparisons have shown a higher rate of injuries in the shod foot. OppositionOpponents don't find these studies convincing and claim that these studies were too small or not carried out properly. They point to the fact that the study in underdeveloped countries and point out that this tells us very little about injuries and performance in developed countries.Those opposing barefoot running do so for many reasons. Podiatrists, in general, are some of the more vocal in opposition to barefoot running. The biggest reason for opposition is foot protection. Puncture wounds are the greatest concern for those running without any protective shoe gear.

Many podiatrists feel that blisters and injury are due to ill-fitting shoes, not all shoes. Many argue that since our ancestors did their walking and running barefoot, we should too. But, the surfaces we walk on today are much more rigid and less forgiving than the grass, dirt and even stone roads our ancestors walked on. Glass and metal shards are common on roads and were not a major concern even a few hundred years ago. There are different types of feet. Some people have very high arch feet and some people have very low arch feet. Some foot types may adapt well to barefoot running, but that doesn't mean all foot types will. The mechanics of the foot are extremely complicated. Individuals who overpronate (rotate in) and have a flexible and flat foot type, typically need a more supportive shoe and sometimes a custom made orthotic. Individuals with a very rigid, high arch foot type, place a tremendous amount of pressure on the outside of their feet and may need a shoe or insert to help even this pressure out. Both of these individuals would most likely end up with injuries if they attempted to run barefoot.

The general rule is that if you aren't having any problems with injuries or performance in your current running shoes, don't change anything. If, on the other hand, your feet fall somewhere in between a high and a low arch and you have bought every expensive shoe and insert on the market, but continue to get injured, you might consider trying barefoot running. If barefoot running is something you would like to try, make sure to gradually work into it. Puncture wounds, scraps, cuts and bruises are likely unless you choose your surface wisely. Start on grass or a soft surface. Consider sand at the beach or even going to the track. Start gradually and slowly.A Word About ShoesAn ill-fitting shoe can be the cause of many lower extremity injuries. A shoe can put your foot at the wrong angle to your knee and hip, leading to potential injury. A shoe that is too tight can cause blisters at the toes and toenail problems.

Barefoot running shoes that is too loose may lead to tendonitis or cause blistering at the heel. A shoe that is too flexible may contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis (heel and arch pain). A good shoe does not need to be expensive. When looking for a running shoe, make sure the midsole is supportive. Test this by grabbing the toe area and the heel area and try to bend the shoe in half. If it folds in the middle of the shoe, it is too flexible and will not support the foot. Make sure there is enough room at the toe box. Check the heel counter and make sure the heel counter is stiff enough to hold the heel in place to avoid blisters. Above all, make sure that the shoe is comfortable. Wear them around the house, on the carpet, before going out for a run.

There are probably a few individuals who could improve their performance and decrease their rate of injury by running barefoot. But, before you toss your shoes in the garbage can and head out for a run with naked feet, consider a better fitting shoe. Barefoot running is not recommended for individuals with a high arch, a very low arch, those who overpronate or those with diabetes. If you do decide to give barefoot running a try, choose the running surface carefully and be aware of puncture wounds.

For more information on barefoot running shoes and barefoot running, please visit www.Invisibleshoe.com - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Huaraches Barefoot Running Sandals of the Tarahumara Indians |

Get your own huaraches, the barefoot running sandals of the Tarahumara Indians. Like the ones featured in Chris McDougall's Born To Run. DIY or buy them here.Get your own huaraches, the barefoot running sandals of the Tarahumara Indians. Like the ones featured in Chris McDougall's Born To Run. DIY or buy them here.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Barefoot Running with the best Barefoot Running Shoes

Our feet are designed to work best without shoes. If you would notice, when you walk or run with shoes on, you lengthen your steps but if you compare your steps running barefoot, you have shorter steps. This is because when you have shoes on, your foot's position is pointed upward resulting your strides to land heel-first. When you run barefoot, your feet tend to be in a more natural and relaxed position so your foot lands on the forefoot and adjust the impact which results on optimum balance. Barefoot running can also increase your stability with less shock and improves your running efficiency.But running barefoot seems to be a dangerous step because there are lots of dangers waiting for your bare skin. You can either step into sharp objects, rocks or dirt. But that won't be a problem anymore.

Vibram FiveFingers shoes are designed to let you feel the benefits of running without shoes. It's totally like you are running with your barefoot. You can feel everything that's on the ground, the moist, the change of temperature, and the sharpness of the surface.Vibram FiveFingers provides all the benefits of barefoot running including shock absorption, greater agility, less deformed feet, and greater flexor strength with less risk of injuries. These shoes protect the skin from sharp objects while you run, in addition it delivers the same feeling when you run without shoes because it absorbs shock just like when you are running barefoot. This is the perfect alternative for barefoot running.With Vibram, running would never be that difficult for you anymore and it's more comfortable for your feet to work efficiently.

It enhances your sensory awareness because the designs of these shoes follow the shape of your foot and individually pocketing each toe. It works as your second skin and letting you perceive the terrain beneath your feet and at the same time provides optimum protection against sharp objects. Vibram FiveFingers are treated with an Aegis anti-microbial structure, and are machine washable to maintain freshness.Vibram shoes are ideal footwear for active people who want to run the natural way.

You can also use these shoes for walking, trekking, kayaking, water sports and other fitness training. According to a research done by Michael Warburton, a physical therapist in Australia, running barefoot decreases the likelihood of ankle sprains and chronic injuries. Some physical therapist also noted that these shoes can help people with plantar fasciitis; a painful inflammatory process of the plantar fascia. Most people experience this kind of foot injuries because of the modern lifestyle and not wearing proper footwear.

Vibram shoe ranges from $75 - $80 or more. If you are looking for Vibram FiveFingers, offers this kind of shoes. They have a wide variety of Vibram shoes for both men and women. They also offer different kinds of athletic shoes in very affordable prices. Now you can enjoy the benefits of barefoot running without damaging your feet. Go out, run and explore the secrets of natural running! - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Barefoot Running with the best Barefoot Running Shoes

Our feet are designed to work best without shoes. If you would notice, when you walk or run with shoes on, you lengthen your steps but if you compare your steps running barefoot, you have shorter steps. This is because when you have shoes on, your foot's position is pointed upward resulting your strides to land heel-first. When you run barefoot, your feet tend to be in a more natural and relaxed position so your foot lands on the forefoot and adjust the impact which results on optimum balance. Barefoot running can also increase your stability with less shock and improves your running efficiency.But running barefoot seems to be a dangerous step because there are lots of dangers waiting for your bare skin. You can either step into sharp objects, rocks or dirt. But that won't be a problem anymore.

Vibram FiveFingers shoes are designed to let you feel the benefits of running without shoes. It's totally like you are running with your barefoot. You can feel everything that's on the ground, the moist, the change of temperature, and the sharpness of the surface.Vibram FiveFingers provides all the benefits of barefoot running including shock absorption, greater agility, less deformed feet, and greater flexor strength with less risk of injuries. These shoes protect the skin from sharp objects while you run, in addition it delivers the same feeling when you run without shoes because it absorbs shock just like when you are running barefoot. This is the perfect alternative for barefoot running.With Vibram, running would never be that difficult for you anymore and it's more comfortable for your feet to work efficiently.

It enhances your sensory awareness because the designs of these shoes follow the shape of your foot and individually pocketing each toe. It works as your second skin and letting you perceive the terrain beneath your feet and at the same time provides optimum protection against sharp objects. Vibram FiveFingers are treated with an Aegis anti-microbial structure, and are machine washable to maintain freshness.Vibram shoes are ideal footwear for active people who want to run the natural way.

You can also use these shoes for walking, trekking, kayaking, water sports and other fitness training. According to a research done by Michael Warburton, a physical therapist in Australia, running barefoot decreases the likelihood of ankle sprains and chronic injuries. Some physical therapist also noted that these shoes can help people with plantar fasciitis; a painful inflammatory process of the plantar fascia. Most people experience this kind of foot injuries because of the modern lifestyle and not wearing proper footwear.

Vibram shoe ranges from $75 - $80 or more. If you are looking for Vibram FiveFingers, offers this kind of shoes. They have a wide variety of Vibram shoes for both men and women. They also offer different kinds of athletic shoes in very affordable prices. Now you can enjoy the benefits of barefoot running without damaging your feet. Go out, run and explore the secrets of natural running! - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Which are the best barefoot running shoes

Barefoot running is the new sport in the world, after doctors suggest people should start barefoot running, it become more and more popular today. Almost every runners turned into barefoot running, almost
every website publicize barefoot running day by day, developed less than ten years, the achievement barefoot running has exceed other sports.

This huge economic benefits promote more and more brands to produce shoes just designed for barefoot running.No matter from online searching or in stores, you can find barefoot running shoes so popular, so wide and so different. They are light and strange, even Nike joind the competetion in barefoot shoes market, the momentum of producing barefoot shoes has begun to emerge. The name of five finger shoes in 2007, by Times make the war heated.

However, the popular of barefoot running make the different selection for runners become popular.- Kigo ShelLooks like crocodie, but it really light. The Kigo Shel is a unisex shoe that's designed for trail running, hiking, and wet weather conditions. Weighing only five ounces per shoe, the thin, high-grip rubber outsole and flexible midsole make it a good option for minimalist footwear. It also has a removable insole that provides extra ground support when needed. Added plus: it's eco-friendly. Kigo shoes are made using recycled materials and water-based glues.- Newton All-Weather TrainerWhile the Newton All-Weather Trainer may look like a normal running shoe, it's anything but.

All Newton shoes encourage you to run on your midfoot/forefoot and keep you upright to discourage heel-strikes. The All-Weather Trainers are a great shoe regardless of what type of runner you are. Some key features: a grippy sole and antibacterial and moisture-wicking sockliners. What's great about the entire Newton line is that there is a shoe for everyone, whether a beginner or marathon runner.- Nike Free 7.0 Running ShoeWhen it comes to looks, the Nike Free line has the best barefoot runners. The Free line emphasizes the natural movement of your feet, and the shoes are designed to give you the benefits of barefoot running without sacrificing your feet to the elements.

Since the Nike Free scale goes from 10.0 to 0.0, with 10 being a fully supportive shoe, the Nike Free 7.0 Running Shoe is a good entry point into this style of running. Just like the speed development scales of Nike company, as it appeared in the market, it become more and more popular, continues the regualr line of Nike shoes, Nike Free is really different.- Vibram FiveFingers SprintVibram FiveFingers are the most well-known of the barefoot running shoes. But this may have more to do with its unmistakable design. The most versatile shoe in its line, the Five Fingers Sprint is suited for bouldering, running, water sports, yoga, Pilates, everyday wear, and general fitness.

Based on the human foot, it is scientist and health. And the runners who wear it said that they can release powers and make magic of their body. As the fitness shoes, vibram five fingers assist you to spread your toes gently. The foot base happens to be wider for this particular footwear style. This brings improvement to the muscles of your feet. The range of the motion of each foot gets enhanced in this way and the general health of the feet improves to a great extent. Also it strengthen the lower part of the legs and the feet muscles. The muscles will turn tougher in the cozy comfort of five fingers. This in turn lowers the risk of leg injury to a great extent. When it appeared in the market, people reflect highly comment of it.

Nowadays people wear Nike has translate into vibram five fingers. With this magic shoes, some women can find them thiner while doing exercise.The hot of barefoot running increasing from year by year, also the hot of producing shoes for barefoot running will never stopped, with this health shop method, people can release themselves in the world barefoot running build and they can also enjoy their life whenever they can. - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Barefoot Running And Blisters 6 Things You Can Do

The good news is, most of the blisters you get with shoes will not happen when you are barefoot running. The reason for this is, most shoe-running blisters occur where the shoe is rubbing on your foot, and that simply can't happen with barefoot running!The bad news is, you will still get blisters when barefoot running, but only on the bottoms of your feet. The kinds of blisters you can get on the soles of your feet when barefoot running vary from small, white blisters, to big, red blood blisters; to the ugliest blister of all: big blood blisters that are actually underneath the thick pads or calluses on your feet. The most important thing to remember is you want to minimize the number of blisters you get barefoot running in the first place. Here are some ways to minimize the blisters that you get from barefoot running: 1. Lift your feet cleanly up and down.Blisters are a result of friction, so as you are barefoot running you want to place your foot so as not to create friction. You need to concentrate on lifting your foot (from the knee, not by pushing off) cleanly up and and down. Don't let your foot drag along the pavement when it lands, and don't let it push off from the ground while barefoot running either. 2. Keep the pressure off your toes.Some people have a tendency to put too much weight on their toes and the inside of their foot when barefoot running, and this can create big blisters especially on the big toes. The correction for this is again, not to let your big toes push off at all, and also to shift your weight off the insides of your feet, and keep it more to the outer sides of your feet. Keeping your toes lightly on the road, and this should help the number of toe-blisters you can get barefoot running. 3. Don't do barefoot running in the rain or when it's wet. Trying to go out and do barefoot running while it is raining or still wet on the roads can give you what I call "dishpan feet" - the bottoms of your feet get waterlogged and the skin can not only blister put start to peel off very easily. Avoid (or at least limit your time) barefoot running in the rain. Here's how to deal with blisters you get barefoot running despite all your precautions: 1. Take some time off.If you really love barefoot running, you will take a day (or maybe 3 or 4) to let the blister on your foot go down and heal. I find that once the blister is totally flat and hard I can go out again, if I don't overdo it immediately. 2. Use Moleskin to pad around the blister.You can get Moleskin at most pharmacies and running stores. You want to be careful how you put it on though. What you want to do is get or cut a piece that is in a round or oval shape, larger than the blister, and be sure to cut out any of the inside that would touch the blister. That way, when you put the Moleskin on, it should not be touching the blister at all, but should be acting as a kind of lift or pad around it, keeping it off the ground pressure while you are out barefoot running. Note: If the Moleskin will not stay on, you can use duct tape to hold it on better.3. Use Benzoin, rubbing alcohol or iodine to disinfect the blister area.Benzoin has the nice property of also making the area of your foot "stickier" in a way that will help to hold on any Moleskin or tape you use on it so you can keep barefoot running afterwards. Rubbing alcohol or iodine should be used every night to disinfect the blister area. And that's it - the 3 best ways to avoid getting blisters while barefoot running - but if you do, then there's 3 more ways to deal with them so you can keep on barefoot running. And that's the whole point, right?T Knudson - About the Author:Important! Before you start barefoot running: In addition to treating blisters you will need to know about how to deal with broken glass as well as how to alter your stride to the correct running form for barefoot running (it's different than shoe stride). Get your complete instructions for barefoot running today at:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How to know if you should wear barefoot running shoes

In an age of high priced athletic shoes and broken glass on streets, barefoot running is a rare sight. But, more coaches and trainers are turning to barefoot training for their runners and now recreational athletes, tired of expensive shoes and lower extremities injuries, are picking up on this new trend. It is actually not so new, as people have been running barefoot for hundreds of years. Zola Budd made barefoot running famous by breaking the women's 5000 meter world record in 1984, running barefoot.

So, why are we all paying high dollar for cloth and rubber to surround our feet? Are shoes the problem or the solution? Many are not in agreement about barefoot running and the debate between barefoot proponents, coaches, trainers, runners and podiatrists is in full swing. Barefoot proponents claim that the shod foot (foot enclosed in a shoe) becomes weak over time when it is constricted. They also claim that the body is unable to sense the ground and adapt appropriately.

This inability to sense and adapt appropriately leads to injury. The body spends more energy when running in a shoe, than when running barefoot. Some runners claim that the few scratches on their feet were much less painful than the blisters they normally have to deal with after a half or full marathon.ResearchThe scientific evidence supporting barefoot running is lacking. A few small studies have supported barefoot running. One study in the Internal Journal of Sports Medicine found that there is actually less impact on the feet while running barefoot because of the way the body adjusts to the impact. Another study found that the body uses about 4% more energy while running in shoes as compared to running barefoot.

In underdeveloped countries with both shod and unshod feet, comparisons have shown a higher rate of injuries in the shod foot. OppositionOpponents don't find these studies convincing and claim that these studies were too small or not carried out properly. They point to the fact that the study in underdeveloped countries and point out that this tells us very little about injuries and performance in developed countries.Those opposing barefoot running do so for many reasons. Podiatrists, in general, are some of the more vocal in opposition to barefoot running. The biggest reason for opposition is foot protection. Puncture wounds are the greatest concern for those running without any protective shoe gear.

Many podiatrists feel that blisters and injury are due to ill-fitting shoes, not all shoes. Many argue that since our ancestors did their walking and running barefoot, we should too. But, the surfaces we walk on today are much more rigid and less forgiving than the grass, dirt and even stone roads our ancestors walked on. Glass and metal shards are common on roads and were not a major concern even a few hundred years ago. There are different types of feet. Some people have very high arch feet and some people have very low arch feet. Some foot types may adapt well to barefoot running, but that doesn't mean all foot types will. The mechanics of the foot are extremely complicated. Individuals who overpronate (rotate in) and have a flexible and flat foot type, typically need a more supportive shoe and sometimes a custom made orthotic. Individuals with a very rigid, high arch foot type, place a tremendous amount of pressure on the outside of their feet and may need a shoe or insert to help even this pressure out. Both of these individuals would most likely end up with injuries if they attempted to run barefoot.

The general rule is that if you aren't having any problems with injuries or performance in your current running shoes, don't change anything. If, on the other hand, your feet fall somewhere in between a high and a low arch and you have bought every expensive shoe and insert on the market, but continue to get injured, you might consider trying barefoot running. If barefoot running is something you would like to try, make sure to gradually work into it. Puncture wounds, scraps, cuts and bruises are likely unless you choose your surface wisely. Start on grass or a soft surface. Consider sand at the beach or even going to the track. Start gradually and slowly.A Word About ShoesAn ill-fitting shoe can be the cause of many lower extremity injuries. A shoe can put your foot at the wrong angle to your knee and hip, leading to potential injury. A shoe that is too tight can cause blisters at the toes and toenail problems.

Barefoot running shoes that is too loose may lead to tendonitis or cause blistering at the heel. A shoe that is too flexible may contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis (heel and arch pain). A good shoe does not need to be expensive. When looking for a running shoe, make sure the midsole is supportive. Test this by grabbing the toe area and the heel area and try to bend the shoe in half. If it folds in the middle of the shoe, it is too flexible and will not support the foot. Make sure there is enough room at the toe box. Check the heel counter and make sure the heel counter is stiff enough to hold the heel in place to avoid blisters. Above all, make sure that the shoe is comfortable. Wear them around the house, on the carpet, before going out for a run.

There are probably a few individuals who could improve their performance and decrease their rate of injury by running barefoot. But, before you toss your shoes in the garbage can and head out for a run with naked feet, consider a better fitting shoe. Barefoot running is not recommended for individuals with a high arch, a very low arch, those who overpronate or those with diabetes. If you do decide to give barefoot running a try, choose the running surface carefully and be aware of puncture wounds.

For more information on barefoot running shoes and barefoot running, please visit www.Invisibleshoe.com - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Barefoot Running When The Surface Is Extremely Hot

Ouch, Ouch, Ouch...that's what it sounds like when you try to do barefoot running and the ground is way too hot. Believe me, I know from experience: I went barefoot running in Phoenix, Arizona in July, and that is like running on a black frying pan.

Now, before I give you any advice on how to go barefoot running in hot weather, i would like to be clear about one thing: if it is just too hot for barefoot running, and your feet are actually burning on the pavement, and you don't have any other surface than 'tar' to run on, then just don't do it. save your barefoot running for another day.

However, there are several ways that you can still go barefoot running even if the roads are too hot to handle:

1. Do your barefoot running on trails instead of the road. Trails are usually shaded, and even if they are not, the dirt is always cooler to the feet than pavement. (If you think back to being a kid you will remember this).
2. Find an area where the shoulder of the road has grass and is not likely to be hiding glass or sharp objects - a nice, clean stretch of road with a "grassy verge." Then do your barefoot running in the grass...or run on the road as long as you can stand it and then take a break by running in the grass.
3. Run on the white line. That's right - black absorbs light, white reflects it - so barefoot running on the white line on the side of the road is always cooler. The only thing to watch out for here is that you will be closer to the cars, so be sure to watch for cars (you should while barefoot running anyway) and get off the line if you see traffic coming.
4. Go barefoot running for as long as you can in the heat - then take a break, and then do some more. Your feet will build up a tolerance to the hot surfaces if you push them a little, and if you don't they probably never will.
5. Try to find a stretch of road to do your barefoot running on where there is enough shade to slip in and out of the shady spots as you run. You can run on very hot roads - if it's only for a little while, then hop into the shade.
6. Run in Vibram Five Fingers. You can find Vibram Five Fingers online, and although I don't consider running in Vibrams to be 'real' barefoot running, I have done a lot of my training in them. they will allow you to get your barefoot running in without scorching your feet.

That's it - 6 ways to keep on barefoot running, even when it's hot enough to fry an egg on the road. One more important note: be sure, with barefoot running as well as any other kind of running, to drink enough water or Gatorade and stay hydrated extra well when you are running in hot weather. I generally drink water before, during, and after barefoot running. And to keep my 'salts' up as well I will drink Gatorade or CeraSport - both of which have salts and electrolytes you need. But it is even more important, of course to drink enough when you are barefoot running in hot weather. Oh, and one more note about hot surfaces: generally, the darker the surface, the hotter it will be (absorbs more heat)...but red brick is one exception. Red brick is the hottest to run on in the sun, so avoid red brick surfaces when barefoot running. - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Barefoot running shoes have come a long way since 2007

As the first idea of barefoot running mentioned, manufatutors produce different kinds of shoes for barefoot running shoes, the first vague impression was made by MBT shoes, which nowadays act as walking shoes. From then on, the idea of barefoot running become famous, famous brands like Nike, Kigo all produce barefoot running shoes, but has been veto by doctors who concerned about the maximum of barefoot running. Finally, the brith of five finger shoes confirmed by doctors and in short time become popular all over the world.Just in 2006, the Vibram five fingers constitute a unique footwear range by Vibram.

They can be considered as the first of its kind in the field of barefoot substitutes. The main objective behind creating these shoes was to make the options such as, maritime hiking, barefoot running and even walking a rather easy affair. In the year 2007, the vibram five fingers was declared to be one of the unsurpassed inventions by the Times Magazine. Hence, since then with each passing day it has gained more and more popularity.Earlier than the health function confirmed by doctors, it first claimed by Vibram that the five fingers have changed the entire concept of biomechanics involved in running - the ideal of five finger shoes based on structure of human feet.

Barefoot Running shoes have taken the real time instance while describing the fact and said that while running the padded heel encounters a rise. This in turn leads to a brutal thumping of the heel on the ground.The vibram five fingers act as gloves on the feet and attribute the feet with a sole tough enough to protect the feet from all necessary hazards and damages. In other words, they provide the best support to the feet. Hence, using the footwear will definitely decrease the cases of sprained ankles, leg injuries and other injuries to the feet offering it high level of protection.Concluded by experiment and confirmed by scientists that the five fingers lead to an improvement in the functioning of the muscles of the feet and the legs.

This enhances the movement of the ankle. This yet again increases the projection and balance of the body and enhances the posture, which suggest the great function of vibram five fingers can cure health problem like back and ankle pain. Also the designer of five finger shoes can protect feet from athelete foot too.The biggest advantage of vibram five fingers belong to the unique designed sole. The soles offer protection, traction, durability and security. Hence, the outdoor activities become more and more comfortable. The footwear hugs the feet with gentle care and the lightweight of them extends a feel good factor to your feet. The shock absorbing abilities of the feet also get enhanced with the vibram five fingers.

The shoes have straps, which are double adjustable and thus they will be absolutely fit and fine for the feet.The vibram five fingers really look trendy and cute. They are even very economically priced, which in turn make it a prized item to be possessed by every individuals with contemporary outlook and passion towards walking and running. The designs of the footwear are no doubt an appealing attribute to the fashion world.As barefoot running shoes, it is convinent to wash. The vibram five fingers are machine washable. Hence, this makes it far easier to use the footwear.

Once your pair of vibram five fingers get dirty with repeated, use just put it in the washing machine and after it gets dried, the collectible is ready for use after use.Even so many running shoes in the world, they can not reach the achievement five finger shoes get. Just four years famous from innovation, the miracle of vibram five fingers has been confirmed by users who buy vibram five fingers for experience in twitter. Do not take the unusual way like five fingers appearance, the popularity of vibram five fingers also take the step into top area. - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Barefoot Running with the best Barefoot Running Shoes

Our feet are designed to work best without shoes. If you would notice, when you walk or run with shoes on, you lengthen your steps but if you compare your steps running barefoot, you have shorter steps. This is because when you have shoes on, your foot's position is pointed upward resulting your strides to land heel-first. When you run barefoot, your feet tend to be in a more natural and relaxed position so your foot lands on the forefoot and adjust the impact which results on optimum balance. Barefoot running can also increase your stability with less shock and improves your running efficiency.But running barefoot seems to be a dangerous step because there are lots of dangers waiting for your bare skin. You can either step into sharp objects, rocks or dirt. But that won't be a problem anymore.

Vibram FiveFingers shoes are designed to let you feel the benefits of running without shoes. It's totally like you are running with your barefoot. You can feel everything that's on the ground, the moist, the change of temperature, and the sharpness of the surface.Vibram FiveFingers provides all the benefits of barefoot running including shock absorption, greater agility, less deformed feet, and greater flexor strength with less risk of injuries. These shoes protect the skin from sharp objects while you run, in addition it delivers the same feeling when you run without shoes because it absorbs shock just like when you are running barefoot. This is the perfect alternative for barefoot running.With Vibram, running would never be that difficult for you anymore and it's more comfortable for your feet to work efficiently.

It enhances your sensory awareness because the designs of these shoes follow the shape of your foot and individually pocketing each toe. It works as your second skin and letting you perceive the terrain beneath your feet and at the same time provides optimum protection against sharp objects. Vibram FiveFingers are treated with an Aegis anti-microbial structure, and are machine washable to maintain freshness.Vibram shoes are ideal footwear for active people who want to run the natural way.

You can also use these shoes for walking, trekking, kayaking, water sports and other fitness training. According to a research done by Michael Warburton, a physical therapist in Australia, running barefoot decreases the likelihood of ankle sprains and chronic injuries. Some physical therapist also noted that these shoes can help people with plantar fasciitis; a painful inflammatory process of the plantar fascia. Most people experience this kind of foot injuries because of the modern lifestyle and not wearing proper footwear.

Vibram shoe ranges from $75 - $80 or more. If you are looking for Vibram FiveFingers, offers this kind of shoes. They have a wide variety of Vibram shoes for both men and women. They also offer different kinds of athletic shoes in very affordable prices. Now you can enjoy the benefits of barefoot running without damaging your feet. Go out, run and explore the secrets of natural running! - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Barefoot Running Shoes - How to find the best ones

Barefoot Running Shoes footwear trends Barefoot Running Shoes,You are still an impressive game of 4000 in terms of rising levels of the stress state of the sea coast of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington with the Olympic 1219 meters west of the Sierra foot. Lamu ?? 4 FiveFingers footwear trends.

Jyagurotku sensitivity of shoes may provide for the inconvenience, but far less pain goes barefoot. Wet mud or clay, it is just more of the surface traction, I am very against the ravages of these conditions is not going to be a low mud barefoot, but I buy the same thing. These external conditions, I propose to say good traction, I, F, 50 shoes, especially comfortable and the temperature as low as less than, 10 CI, or the temperature is not low growth potential € 2 a little, my legs, my legs, my legs Often cold and cold, but field reports the development pressure, especially my legs a little bit of respect worldwide, "attack at temperatures below the temperature, so many good describesis.Even then, you know yourself, the water is returned fivefingers.

Lamu's like a short swim. I want to swim fast, sacred, sight and then slowly swim across a joke. This is a child of the family, an era is a kingdom of the poor ?? fivefinger Lamu's difficulties are attributable to the growth of all of us. In retrospect, the crowd wild with a bit of time may be sour, but it was all natural, normal.vibram bikilaShe knows the story in my opinion, if she has the potential rewards, rather than locked Love My point is: the purchase order. My wife and I think he'd understand if, why now, "the children" when kso old fivefingers luxury shoes, I would never have merrily, and sometimes buy a few pairs are available. Testing the long-term, and I about 8 days to hike an additional 4.

Lamu FiveFingers shoes one day's flow was camping backpack.38 F, I am comfortable temperature in the legs, my legs, but I am cool and cold legs Although there is generally a nightmare to get used to found. 38 F and my legs are very nice, I also have the weather is cooler. FiveFingers shoes I wear every two weeks or one immediately after the flow field. new, I have a few days to adjust their legs did not go, but it is at the same time. I do not manage calluses of the big toe in a constant pressure of these began to wear on the sensitive points.

For more information on barefoot running shoes, visit our website. - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How to know if you should wear barefoot running shoes

In an age of high priced athletic shoes and broken glass on streets, barefoot running is a rare sight. But, more coaches and trainers are turning to barefoot training for their runners and now recreational athletes, tired of expensive shoes and lower extremities injuries, are picking up on this new trend. It is actually not so new, as people have been running barefoot for hundreds of years. Zola Budd made barefoot running famous by breaking the women's 5000 meter world record in 1984, running barefoot.

So, why are we all paying high dollar for cloth and rubber to surround our feet? Are shoes the problem or the solution? Many are not in agreement about barefoot running and the debate between barefoot proponents, coaches, trainers, runners and podiatrists is in full swing. Barefoot proponents claim that the shod foot (foot enclosed in a shoe) becomes weak over time when it is constricted. They also claim that the body is unable to sense the ground and adapt appropriately.

This inability to sense and adapt appropriately leads to injury. The body spends more energy when running in a shoe, than when running barefoot. Some runners claim that the few scratches on their feet were much less painful than the blisters they normally have to deal with after a half or full marathon.ResearchThe scientific evidence supporting barefoot running is lacking. A few small studies have supported barefoot running. One study in the Internal Journal of Sports Medicine found that there is actually less impact on the feet while running barefoot because of the way the body adjusts to the impact. Another study found that the body uses about 4% more energy while running in shoes as compared to running barefoot.

In underdeveloped countries with both shod and unshod feet, comparisons have shown a higher rate of injuries in the shod foot. OppositionOpponents don't find these studies convincing and claim that these studies were too small or not carried out properly. They point to the fact that the study in underdeveloped countries and point out that this tells us very little about injuries and performance in developed countries.Those opposing barefoot running do so for many reasons. Podiatrists, in general, are some of the more vocal in opposition to barefoot running. The biggest reason for opposition is foot protection. Puncture wounds are the greatest concern for those running without any protective shoe gear.

Many podiatrists feel that blisters and injury are due to ill-fitting shoes, not all shoes. Many argue that since our ancestors did their walking and running barefoot, we should too. But, the surfaces we walk on today are much more rigid and less forgiving than the grass, dirt and even stone roads our ancestors walked on. Glass and metal shards are common on roads and were not a major concern even a few hundred years ago. There are different types of feet. Some people have very high arch feet and some people have very low arch feet. Some foot types may adapt well to barefoot running, but that doesn't mean all foot types will. The mechanics of the foot are extremely complicated. Individuals who overpronate (rotate in) and have a flexible and flat foot type, typically need a more supportive shoe and sometimes a custom made orthotic. Individuals with a very rigid, high arch foot type, place a tremendous amount of pressure on the outside of their feet and may need a shoe or insert to help even this pressure out. Both of these individuals would most likely end up with injuries if they attempted to run barefoot.

The general rule is that if you aren't having any problems with injuries or performance in your current running shoes, don't change anything. If, on the other hand, your feet fall somewhere in between a high and a low arch and you have bought every expensive shoe and insert on the market, but continue to get injured, you might consider trying barefoot running. If barefoot running is something you would like to try, make sure to gradually work into it. Puncture wounds, scraps, cuts and bruises are likely unless you choose your surface wisely. Start on grass or a soft surface. Consider sand at the beach or even going to the track. Start gradually and slowly.A Word About ShoesAn ill-fitting shoe can be the cause of many lower extremity injuries. A shoe can put your foot at the wrong angle to your knee and hip, leading to potential injury. A shoe that is too tight can cause blisters at the toes and toenail problems.

Barefoot running shoes that is too loose may lead to tendonitis or cause blistering at the heel. A shoe that is too flexible may contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis (heel and arch pain). A good shoe does not need to be expensive. When looking for a running shoe, make sure the midsole is supportive. Test this by grabbing the toe area and the heel area and try to bend the shoe in half. If it folds in the middle of the shoe, it is too flexible and will not support the foot. Make sure there is enough room at the toe box. Check the heel counter and make sure the heel counter is stiff enough to hold the heel in place to avoid blisters. Above all, make sure that the shoe is comfortable. Wear them around the house, on the carpet, before going out for a run.

There are probably a few individuals who could improve their performance and decrease their rate of injury by running barefoot. But, before you toss your shoes in the garbage can and head out for a run with naked feet, consider a better fitting shoe. Barefoot running is not recommended for individuals with a high arch, a very low arch, those who overpronate or those with diabetes. If you do decide to give barefoot running a try, choose the running surface carefully and be aware of puncture wounds.

For more information on barefoot running shoes and barefoot running, please visit www.Invisibleshoe.com - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Huaraches Barefoot Running Sandals of the Tarahumara Indians |

Get your own huaraches, the barefoot running sandals of the Tarahumara Indians. Like the ones featured in Chris McDougall's Born To Run. DIY or buy them here.Get your own huaraches, the barefoot running sandals of the Tarahumara Indians. Like the ones featured in Chris McDougall's Born To Run. DIY or buy them here.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Huaraches Barefoot Running Sandals of the Tarahumara Indians |

Get your own huaraches, the barefoot running sandals of the Tarahumara Indians. Like the ones featured in Chris McDougall's Born To Run. DIY or buy them here.Get your own huaraches, the barefoot running sandals of the Tarahumara Indians. Like the ones featured in Chris McDougall's Born To Run. DIY or buy them here.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Huaraches Barefoot Running Sandals of the Tarahumara Indians |

Get your own huaraches, the barefoot running sandals of the Tarahumara Indians. Like the ones featured in Chris McDougall's Born To Run. DIY or buy them here.Get your own huaraches, the barefoot running sandals of the Tarahumara Indians. Like the ones featured in Chris McDougall's Born To Run. DIY or buy them here.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How to Deal with Barefoot Running Problems

In a popular New York Times Magazine article this year, Adam Sternbergh makes the claim that "You Walk Wrong" It's a fascinating article that we highly recommend. Sternbergh explains and sheds some light on the biomechanical issues that ALINE holds dear.But there is a problem...

Mr. Sternbergh, like many well-intentioned barefoot advocates, fails to notice the 500 lb. Sasquatch in the room: its name is PAVEMENT.Feet have been evolving for 4-5 million years and are wonders of biomechanical engineering. They are well-suited for moving over the variable, natural terrain that humans encountered for 99.9999% of their evolution.Start pounding those same feet on hard, flat asphalt (or marble, tile, concrete, wood, you name it), and they break down quickly.

Most shoes only add to the problem, for the reasons discussed by Sternbergh. And just for kicks, throw in an adult foot that's been severely compromised by years of abuse and is now expected to go run barefoot... on pavement. Disaster.We started ALINE based on many decades of combined experience in sports and biomechanics, and we understand foot function better than most. What most people don't realize is that the bottom of your foot is constantly in motion, conforming to natural terrain and aligning the body with every step. That action just doesn't work well on pavement, and it's disabled by most shoes.ALINE's goal is to provide an interface that allows the foot to move in a natural way, especially on the hard, flat surfaces where we live, work and play.

First off, your ankle and knee alignment improves dramatically as soon as you stand on an ALINE. And once you start moving, ALINE's BFAST suspension lets your foot move naturally no matter what terrain you're on.Want proof? OK. ALINE athletes (who we don't pay to wear our insoles!) have won over a dozen X-Games medals in various sports, three PGA Tour events, several mountain biking national championships, and much more. More importantly, we get love letters daily from average people who can't thank us enough.The bottom line? The shoe problems that lead people to go barefoot are very real. But for modern feet in the modern world, ALINE is just better than barefoot.

For more information on barefoot running sandals, visit our website - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Barefoot Running which shoes are best for you?

Ouch, Ouch, Ouch...that's what it sounds like when you try to do barefoot running and the ground is way too hot. Believe me, I know from experience: I went barefoot running in Phoenix, Arizona in July, and that is like running on a black frying pan. Now, before I give you any advice on how to go barefoot running in hot weather, i would like to be clear about one thing: if it is just too hot for barefoot running, and your feet are actually burning on the pavement, and you don't have any other surface than 'tar' to run on, then just don't do it. save your barefoot running for another day.

However, there are several ways that you can still go barefoot running even if the roads are too hot to handle: 1. Do your barefoot running on trails instead of the road. Trails are usually shaded, and even if they are not, the dirt is always cooler to the feet than pavement. (If you think back to being a kid you will remember this). 2. Find an area where the shoulder of the road has grass and is not likely to be hiding glass or sharp objects - a nice, clean stretch of road with a "grassy verge." Then do your barefoot running in the grass...or run on the road as long as you can stand it and then take a break by running in the grass. 3. Run on the white line.

That's right - black absorbs light, white reflects it - so barefoot running on the white line on the side of the road is always cooler. The only thing to watch out for here is that you will be closer to the cars, so be sure to watch for cars (you should while barefoot running anyway) and get off the line if you see traffic coming. 4. Go barefoot running for as long as you can in the heat - then take a break, and then do some more. Your feet will build up a tolerance to the hot surfaces if you push them a little, and if you don't they probably never will. 5. Try to find a stretch of road to do your barefoot running on where there is enough shade to slip in and out of the shady spots as you run.

You can run on very hot roads - if it's only for a little while, then hop into the shade. 6. Run in Vibram Five Fingers. You can find Vibram Five Fingers online, and although I don't consider running in Vibrams to be 'real' barefoot running, I have done a lot of my training in them. they will allow you to get your barefoot running in without scorching your feet. That's it - 6 ways to keep on barefoot running, even when it's hot enough to fry an egg on the road. One more important note: be sure, with barefoot running as well as any other kind of running, to drink enough water or Gatorade and stay hydrated extra well when you are running in hot weather. I generally drink water before, during, and after barefoot running. And to keep my 'salts' up as well I will drink Gatorade or CeraSport - both of which have salts and electrolytes you need. But it is even more important, of course to drink enough when you are barefoot running in hot weather.

Oh, and one more note about hot surfaces: generally, the darker the surface, the hotter it will be (absorbs more heat)...but red brick is one exception. Red brick is the hottest to run on in the sun, so avoid red brick surfaces when barefoot running. For more information on barefoot running and barefoot running shoes, please visit our website. - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Which are the best barefoot running shoes

Barefoot running is the new sport in the world, after doctors suggest people should start barefoot running, it become more and more popular today. Almost every runners turned into barefoot running, almost
every website publicize barefoot running day by day, developed less than ten years, the achievement barefoot running has exceed other sports.

This huge economic benefits promote more and more brands to produce shoes just designed for barefoot running.No matter from online searching or in stores, you can find barefoot running shoes so popular, so wide and so different. They are light and strange, even Nike joind the competetion in barefoot shoes market, the momentum of producing barefoot shoes has begun to emerge. The name of five finger shoes in 2007, by Times make the war heated.

However, the popular of barefoot running make the different selection for runners become popular.- Kigo ShelLooks like crocodie, but it really light. The Kigo Shel is a unisex shoe that's designed for trail running, hiking, and wet weather conditions. Weighing only five ounces per shoe, the thin, high-grip rubber outsole and flexible midsole make it a good option for minimalist footwear. It also has a removable insole that provides extra ground support when needed. Added plus: it's eco-friendly. Kigo shoes are made using recycled materials and water-based glues.- Newton All-Weather TrainerWhile the Newton All-Weather Trainer may look like a normal running shoe, it's anything but.

All Newton shoes encourage you to run on your midfoot/forefoot and keep you upright to discourage heel-strikes. The All-Weather Trainers are a great shoe regardless of what type of runner you are. Some key features: a grippy sole and antibacterial and moisture-wicking sockliners. What's great about the entire Newton line is that there is a shoe for everyone, whether a beginner or marathon runner.- Nike Free 7.0 Running ShoeWhen it comes to looks, the Nike Free line has the best barefoot runners. The Free line emphasizes the natural movement of your feet, and the shoes are designed to give you the benefits of barefoot running without sacrificing your feet to the elements.

Since the Nike Free scale goes from 10.0 to 0.0, with 10 being a fully supportive shoe, the Nike Free 7.0 Running Shoe is a good entry point into this style of running. Just like the speed development scales of Nike company, as it appeared in the market, it become more and more popular, continues the regualr line of Nike shoes, Nike Free is really different.- Vibram FiveFingers SprintVibram FiveFingers are the most well-known of the barefoot running shoes. But this may have more to do with its unmistakable design. The most versatile shoe in its line, the Five Fingers Sprint is suited for bouldering, running, water sports, yoga, Pilates, everyday wear, and general fitness.

Based on the human foot, it is scientist and health. And the runners who wear it said that they can release powers and make magic of their body. As the fitness shoes, vibram five fingers assist you to spread your toes gently. The foot base happens to be wider for this particular footwear style. This brings improvement to the muscles of your feet. The range of the motion of each foot gets enhanced in this way and the general health of the feet improves to a great extent. Also it strengthen the lower part of the legs and the feet muscles. The muscles will turn tougher in the cozy comfort of five fingers. This in turn lowers the risk of leg injury to a great extent. When it appeared in the market, people reflect highly comment of it.

Nowadays people wear Nike has translate into vibram five fingers. With this magic shoes, some women can find them thiner while doing exercise.The hot of barefoot running increasing from year by year, also the hot of producing shoes for barefoot running will never stopped, with this health shop method, people can release themselves in the world barefoot running build and they can also enjoy their life whenever they can. - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Barefoot Running When The Surface Is Extremely Hot

Ouch, Ouch, Ouch...that's what it sounds like when you try to do barefoot running and the ground is way too hot. Believe me, I know from experience: I went barefoot running in Phoenix, Arizona in July, and that is like running on a black frying pan.

Now, before I give you any advice on how to go barefoot running in hot weather, i would like to be clear about one thing: if it is just too hot for barefoot running, and your feet are actually burning on the pavement, and you don't have any other surface than 'tar' to run on, then just don't do it. save your barefoot running for another day.

However, there are several ways that you can still go barefoot running even if the roads are too hot to handle:

1. Do your barefoot running on trails instead of the road. Trails are usually shaded, and even if they are not, the dirt is always cooler to the feet than pavement. (If you think back to being a kid you will remember this).
2. Find an area where the shoulder of the road has grass and is not likely to be hiding glass or sharp objects - a nice, clean stretch of road with a "grassy verge." Then do your barefoot running in the grass...or run on the road as long as you can stand it and then take a break by running in the grass.
3. Run on the white line. That's right - black absorbs light, white reflects it - so barefoot running on the white line on the side of the road is always cooler. The only thing to watch out for here is that you will be closer to the cars, so be sure to watch for cars (you should while barefoot running anyway) and get off the line if you see traffic coming.
4. Go barefoot running for as long as you can in the heat - then take a break, and then do some more. Your feet will build up a tolerance to the hot surfaces if you push them a little, and if you don't they probably never will.
5. Try to find a stretch of road to do your barefoot running on where there is enough shade to slip in and out of the shady spots as you run. You can run on very hot roads - if it's only for a little while, then hop into the shade.
6. Run in Vibram Five Fingers. You can find Vibram Five Fingers online, and although I don't consider running in Vibrams to be 'real' barefoot running, I have done a lot of my training in them. they will allow you to get your barefoot running in without scorching your feet.

That's it - 6 ways to keep on barefoot running, even when it's hot enough to fry an egg on the road. One more important note: be sure, with barefoot running as well as any other kind of running, to drink enough water or Gatorade and stay hydrated extra well when you are running in hot weather. I generally drink water before, during, and after barefoot running. And to keep my 'salts' up as well I will drink Gatorade or CeraSport - both of which have salts and electrolytes you need. But it is even more important, of course to drink enough when you are barefoot running in hot weather. Oh, and one more note about hot surfaces: generally, the darker the surface, the hotter it will be (absorbs more heat)...but red brick is one exception. Red brick is the hottest to run on in the sun, so avoid red brick surfaces when barefoot running. - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Running In Barefoot Running Shoes

A large following and interest in barefoot running has been developed lately, encouraged by Christopher McDougall's book "Born to Run" which describes the Tarahumara or RarĂ¡muri, an indigenous peoples from Northern Mexico, who have been known to run long distances in thin soled sandals.

We recently assisted a runner with some video analysis as he trains to run a marathon wearing theVibram FiveFingers minimal shoe.Last year we discussed using video analysis to analyze rear foot pronation and attempted to see whether there was a difference in rear foot pronation between running in shoes and running barefoot. We described how a camera should be setup and the measurements that could be done. However, as we studied a runner who does not suffer from pronation we were only able to see a normal amount of pronation in the foot stance phase of his running.Our runnerwanted to determine how much he was pronating when running in his FiveFingers minimal shoes.

He also reported getting blisters under the pads of his feet and on his right big toe.He used all the techniques for filming his motion that we have discussed on this website in the past and sent the videos on to us. He set up to run on a treadmill at a constant speed of 8.3 miles per hour and ran 12 miles in total capturing video at intervals along the way. Set his camera on a tripod at the level of the treadmill to capture the video and his foot placement. He captured video both from the side view and the rear view so that we could assist him in analyzing his foot strike. From the video we have taken a few snapshots to help us analyze his foot strike characteristics.In the images above we can see a side view of the left and right foot strike. We can see that:Both the left and right foot is inverted at foot strike. This means the feet are turned in and the athlete lands on the outside of his foot.

The main muscle used to invert the foot is the Tibialis Anterior (the muscle on the outside of the shin bone). These muscles are also used to dorsi-flex the foot (lift the foot up). This can be seen in the video as the foot and toes are flexed back just before foot strike. Striking with an inverted foot can create a slapping of the foot onto the ground rather than a controlled foot placement. Striking with an inverted foot can also exaggerate any rear foot pronation. The foot strike is occurring toward the midfoot and not the heel.

This is to be expected when running in minimal shoes. The runner in barefoot running shoes is trying to avoid heel impact and is taking greater care to control his foot strike. Now we can look at his rear foot pronation. In this instance an estimate was made for rear foot pronation using a 4 point angle. Rearfoot pronation is measured as the amount of eversion (rotation inward) of the foot from heel strike through mid stance. The angle is measured by drawing a line along the center of the Tibia bone in the lower leg and another line describing the center line of the Calcaneus (heel bone).As our runner was concerned that he was pronating more in his right foot, we have looked only at his right foot here:The pronation angles displayed in the images above are estimates. As there are no markers identifying the necessary landmarks of the midline of the Tibia and the midline of the Calcaneus. The athlete lands with an inverted foot position.

The rear foot pronation angle of 171 degrees shows this. An angle of 180 degrees would be neutral while anything over 180 degrees is everted (pronated). At mid stance the athlete has 13 degrees of pronation (193-180). The foot is expected to evert (pronate) by approximately 10 degrees through mid stance for normal pronation. Therefore this would be considered excessive pronation. The eversion of the foot from foot strike to midstance is also rapid and large, pronating 22 degrees. As can be seen from the video and the images our runner pronates while running at 8.3 miles per hour. Our runner has been training in his Vibram FiveFingers shoes for less than 2 months. Prior to running in these minimal shoes he ran in a shoe offering maximum pronation support.

It may therefore be too early to tell whether the minimal shoes are improving his pronation by encouraging him to control his foot placement.Our runner has also been suffering from blisters, since wearing these shoes. Unfortunately a minimal shoe such as this will likely cause the foot to blister more readily. The shoes are worn without socks (as each toe is separated in the shoe)causing more friction between the shoe and the foot. Being that there is not much cushioning between the shoe and the road surface, any scraping on the hard road or treadmill surface will also cause friction and possible blisters.It is possible that our runner is in fact suffering from the effects of his blisters and is running as seen in the video because of the blisters on his foot.

The exaggerated inverted foot at foot strike may be a way of attempting to protect his foot from injury and further blisters.We still believe that barefoot running or running in minimal shoes will help to improve a runners mechanics. Barefoot Ken Bob Saxton says, "Don't strike the ground. If you do it'll strike back!" The idea of running barefoot or running in a minimal shoe is to feel your feet and understand how much they can take and to learn how to control your running so that you can continue running faster and with less injury.If you want to try running in minimal shoes, allow yourself sufficient time to get accustomed to running in them before trying to do to long a distance at too high a speed.Also pull out your video camera and film yourself. This will help you to visualize what you are doing and possibly help you to achieve success in a minimal shoe. We are always ready to offer our services to help you analyze your motion. - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Make your own Barefoot Running Shoes like Vibram 5 Fingers

For decades, running has been a sport of choice for good cardiac health, strong bones and muscles, and simply good health. Many athletes however have found that too much running isn't always a good thing. Eventually your joints start to give, you develop all sorts of foot problems and some of the health hazards begin to outweigh the benefits.

Running is big business though, and Vibram Five Fingers, maker of barefoot running shoes, has seen this first hand. What's bigger than the running industry is seemingly the industry for healthy running products.

The barefoot running shoes that Vibram FiveFingers produces and sells have become a hit. The company has taken off in a short amount of time. Why? Because the product seems to work.Barefoot running shoes by Vibram Five Fingers, also known as foot gloves, are extremely hard to find. The Italian company that makes them sells out constantly, due to the high demand.

Apparently running barefoot is the ultimate running experience, although I would think that it would be even harder on your knees than when wearing proper running shoes. However, that's beside the point. For runners who want to run barefoot but avoid getting their feet cut up, Vibram Five Fingers shoes are the answer.Various online merchants have the Vibram Five Fingers shoes in stock.

For more information visit our website - If you're searching locally so you can actually try them out first, check your local running store or athletics supply store. They may be able to order them for you if they don't carry them in stock. - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Barefoot running shoes and barefoot running sandals from vibram

Vibram five fingers - a familiar word that people search on the Internet nowadays. Not only it told as barefoot running shoes, but also it is cheap nowadays - for the activity of cheap vibram five fingers.At beginning, people just considered their image with five finger shoes, also the price is the main consider factor for them. However, with more and more people accepted wearing five finger shoes all day long, it purchased by businessman to make profit.

So it is no wonder why five finger shoes become cheaper. Also the key factor of wearing five finger shoes is their function of health.Designed based on human foot, with the ideal of toe shoes, Vibram skillfully use unique material in the sole. The flexible but rugged soles force you to adopt a more natural bio-mechanical stride. Rather than landing on your heel, as we're accustomed to doing with cushioned soles, you land on the mid-foot or ball of the foot.

This gait is less stressful on your knees and forces you to place the "strikepoint" of your foot beneath your hips, which also means you initiate forward movement with a lean instead of leg drive. The shoes' toe channels don't cause any discomfort, though I have found the five-channeled Injinji brand socks somewhat uncomfortable to wear beneath them, as the stitching pulls into the webbing between the toes. The added articulation of the five finger shoes strengthens your metatarsal ligaments and muscles, which is noticeable in general balance and, oddly enough, upper body pressing strength.People sometimes misunderstand the meaning of barefoot shoes, just think it is considered as without shoes, someone really running without shoes.

The result may damage your foot. However, vibram five finger correct people's misconceptions. These shoes allow you to walk with a barefoot gait, without a bare foot, avoiding the injuries that could sideline you. Rocks piercing the foot or breaking a toe on a curb is the end of a barefoot experiment, so you can wear vibram five fingers as an urban stepping stone to barefoot hiking.But it looks like strange and odd. Can anybody wear sock with it? It is the biggest confuse in people's mind.

Recently, it is proved by experiment. Through much research and the study of the Tarahumara tribes he was able to find his ability to run. He reflected that barefoot runners will run in all weather. Some will wear waterproof socks in cold weather. Others will run barefoot despite the climate or surface.

Many boast wonderful benefits of barefoot running, such as injuries decreasing, a visible increase in arch height. There are shoes, such as Vibram Five Fingers Shoes that may be used to either ease people in to running barefoot or providing protection if an environment is just too dangerous to run in while barefoot.It is a new fashion to wearing five finger shoes, also with the correct concept of barefoot running, it is easy for people to buy vibram five fingers, no matter in stores or online.

If you are interested in purchasing barefoot running shoes, please visit www.Invisibleshoe.com - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Which barefoot runnings shoes should you wear?

As a sport become popular, it will promote people to translate into this sport method. As barefoot running become popular, people dreamed of becoming health and funny will translate into barefoot running instead of walking. After doctors announced the harm of wearing general running shoes runing, people throw away their running shoes. After the invent of five finger shoes, which unique designed for barefoot running, named by Time Magazine as one of the best inventions in 2007.

The popular of barefoot running still remain until now.Design based on human feet, it is really health for people to reduce their back pain and release themselves in barefoot running. Also the odd style of this shoe can make funny for those who really feel narious and tired in daily life. Reflecting better in twitter and proof by dotcors, which drive the sales of vibram five fingers barefoot running shoes and also light the passion of manufactors to manufacture various kinds of vibram five finger shoes both for men and women.

The patent on stores can not satisfied people's demand, also some countries are really difficult to buy vibram five fingers. So it gives birth to the revolution of online business, more and more sellers sale vibram five fingers just for the consideration of make profit. This really convinent customers but increase the intense competition between stores and online business, also bring the dicount of orginal price to cheap price, however, with the cheap vibram five fingers sales online, more and more people prefer cheap one rather than orginal ones.Wearing cheap vibram five fingers from day to day running, they remove the cushioning and motion control running shoes, so to strengthen your feet and feel the ground, but still give your feet protection, you will probably want you to head on the streets of asphalt and glass, and paths strewn with rocks and roots.

It's actually a good idea to start with shoes barefoot because they make a big change is running barefoot. It is interesting that many traditional societies, which operate without regard cushioned shoes often use a kind of sandals or otherwise protected from the cuts on the soles of the feet. Wearing Five Fingers, you can learn the mechanics and the form of running barefoot, you develop your strength and run the transition to barefoot without pain.Also, that Five Finger Shoes is designed to run barefoot, these days people use it for hiking, swimming, yoga and so on. Developed with the Apple tube, the people are all eligible. Keep your body out of balance, another advantage is virbam five fingers. This feature can make people dangerous position to be firmly in place, a rapid response to security, reduce athelete feet of water.Five Finger shoes sold hot in summer and winter.

Since the wear fun cool feeling in the summer to buy more and more vibram five fingers for. But in winter, Vibram Five Fingers circulation and warm on your entire body faster, so if you are your feet cold in winter, the wearing of shoes Five fingers can this problem Slowe, but be careful economic Vibram Five Fingers, somtimes the effect is small.Revolution of running in modern society, also reform the concept of people. With those health function, no matter how cold outside, people in order to keep health will presist running with this shoe go through winter.

For more information on barefoot running shoes and barefoot running sandals, please visit www.InvisibleShoe.com - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Barefoot running shoes have come a long way since 2007

As the first idea of barefoot running mentioned, manufatutors produce different kinds of shoes for barefoot running shoes, the first vague impression was made by MBT shoes, which nowadays act as walking shoes. From then on, the idea of barefoot running become famous, famous brands like Nike, Kigo all produce barefoot running shoes, but has been veto by doctors who concerned about the maximum of barefoot running. Finally, the brith of five finger shoes confirmed by doctors and in short time become popular all over the world.Just in 2006, the Vibram five fingers constitute a unique footwear range by Vibram.

They can be considered as the first of its kind in the field of barefoot substitutes. The main objective behind creating these shoes was to make the options such as, maritime hiking, barefoot running and even walking a rather easy affair. In the year 2007, the vibram five fingers was declared to be one of the unsurpassed inventions by the Times Magazine. Hence, since then with each passing day it has gained more and more popularity.Earlier than the health function confirmed by doctors, it first claimed by Vibram that the five fingers have changed the entire concept of biomechanics involved in running - the ideal of five finger shoes based on structure of human feet.

Barefoot Running shoes have taken the real time instance while describing the fact and said that while running the padded heel encounters a rise. This in turn leads to a brutal thumping of the heel on the ground.The vibram five fingers act as gloves on the feet and attribute the feet with a sole tough enough to protect the feet from all necessary hazards and damages. In other words, they provide the best support to the feet. Hence, using the footwear will definitely decrease the cases of sprained ankles, leg injuries and other injuries to the feet offering it high level of protection.Concluded by experiment and confirmed by scientists that the five fingers lead to an improvement in the functioning of the muscles of the feet and the legs.

This enhances the movement of the ankle. This yet again increases the projection and balance of the body and enhances the posture, which suggest the great function of vibram five fingers can cure health problem like back and ankle pain. Also the designer of five finger shoes can protect feet from athelete foot too.The biggest advantage of vibram five fingers belong to the unique designed sole. The soles offer protection, traction, durability and security. Hence, the outdoor activities become more and more comfortable. The footwear hugs the feet with gentle care and the lightweight of them extends a feel good factor to your feet. The shock absorbing abilities of the feet also get enhanced with the vibram five fingers.

The shoes have straps, which are double adjustable and thus they will be absolutely fit and fine for the feet.The vibram five fingers really look trendy and cute. They are even very economically priced, which in turn make it a prized item to be possessed by every individuals with contemporary outlook and passion towards walking and running. The designs of the footwear are no doubt an appealing attribute to the fashion world.As barefoot running shoes, it is convinent to wash. The vibram five fingers are machine washable. Hence, this makes it far easier to use the footwear.

Once your pair of vibram five fingers get dirty with repeated, use just put it in the washing machine and after it gets dried, the collectible is ready for use after use.Even so many running shoes in the world, they can not reach the achievement five finger shoes get. Just four years famous from innovation, the miracle of vibram five fingers has been confirmed by users who buy vibram five fingers for experience in twitter. Do not take the unusual way like five fingers appearance, the popularity of vibram five fingers also take the step into top area. - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Barefoot running shoes will never be the same

As the first idea of barefoot running mentioned, manufatutors produce different kinds of shoes for barefoot running shoes, the first vague impression was made by MBT shoes, which nowadays act as walking shoes. From then on, the idea of barefoot running become famous, famous brands like Nike, Kigo all produce barefoot running shoes, but has been veto by doctors who concerned about the maximum of barefoot running. Finally, the brith of five finger shoes confirmed by doctors and in short time become popular all over the world.Just in 2006, the Vibram five fingers constitute a unique footwear range by Vibram.

They can be considered as the first of its kind in the field of barefoot substitutes. The main objective behind creating these shoes was to make the options such as, maritime hiking, barefoot running and even walking a rather easy affair. In the year 2007, the vibram five fingers was declared to be one of the unsurpassed inventions by the Times Magazine. Hence, since then with each passing day it has gained more and more popularity.Earlier than the health function confirmed by doctors, it first claimed by Vibram that the five fingers have changed the entire concept of biomechanics involved in running - the ideal of five finger shoes based on structure of human feet.

Five finger shoes have taken the real time instance while describing the fact and said that while running the padded heel encounters a rise. This in turn leads to a brutal thumping of the heel on the ground.The vibram five fingers act as gloves on the feet and attribute the feet with a sole tough enough to protect the feet from all necessary hazards and damages. In other words, they provide the best support to the feet. Hence, using the footwear will definitely decrease the cases of sprained ankles, leg injuries and other injuries to the feet offering it high level of protection.Concluded by experiment and confirmed by scientists that the five fingers lead to an improvement in the functioning of the muscles of the feet and the legs.

The barefoot runnings shoe enhances the movement of the ankle. This yet again increases the projection and balance of the body and enhances the posture, which suggest the great function of vibram five fingers can cure health problem like back and ankle pain. Also the designer of five finger shoes can protect feet from athelete foot too.The biggest advantage of vibram five fingers belong to the unique designed sole. The soles offer protection, traction, durability and security. Hence, the outdoor activities become more and more comfortable. The footwear hugs the feet with gentle care and the lightweight of them extends a feel good factor to your feet. The shock absorbing abilities of the feet also get enhanced with the vibram five fingers.

The shoes have straps, which are double adjustable and thus they will be absolutely fit and fine for the feet.The vibram five fingers really look trendy and cute. They are even very economically priced, which in turn make it a prized item to be possessed by every individuals with contemporary outlook and passion towards walking and running. The designs of the footwear are no doubt an appealing attribute to the fashion world.As barefoot running shoes, it is convinent to wash. The vibram five fingers are machine washable. Hence, this makes it far easier to use the footwear.

Once your pair of vibram five fingers get dirty with repeated, use just put it in the washing machine and after it gets dried, the collectible is ready for use after use.Even so many running shoes in the world, they can not reach the achievement five finger shoes get. Just four years famous from innovation, the miracle of vibram five fingers has been confirmed by users who buy vibram five fingers for experience in twitter. Do not take the unusual way like five fingers appearance, the popularity of vibram five fingers also take the step into top area. - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Running barefoot with vibram five fingers barefoot running shoes

Vibram five fingers - a familiar word that people search on the Internet nowadays. Not only it told as barefoot running shoes, but also it is cheap nowadays - for the activity of cheap vibram five fingers.At beginning, people just considered their image with five finger shoes, also the price is the main consider factor for them. However, with more and more people accepted wearing five finger shoes all day long, it purchased by businessman to make profit.

So it is no wonder why five finger shoes become cheaper. Also the key factor of wearing five finger shoes is their function of health.Designed based on human foot, with the ideal of toe shoes, Vibram skillfully use unique material in the sole. The flexible but rugged soles force you to adopt a more natural bio-mechanical stride. Rather than landing on your heel, as we're accustomed to doing with cushioned soles, you land on the mid-foot or ball of the foot.

This gait is less stressful on your knees and forces you to place the "strikepoint" of your foot beneath your hips, which also means you initiate forward movement with a lean instead of leg drive. The shoes' toe channels don't cause any discomfort, though I have found the five-channeled Injinji brand socks somewhat uncomfortable to wear beneath them, as the stitching pulls into the webbing between the toes. The added articulation of the five finger shoes strengthens your metatarsal ligaments and muscles, which is noticeable in general balance and, oddly enough, upper body pressing strength.People sometimes misunderstand the meaning of barefoot shoes, just think it is considered as without shoes, someone really running without shoes.

The result may damage your foot. However, vibram five finger correct people's misconceptions. These shoes allow you to walk with a barefoot gait, without a bare foot, avoiding the injuries that could sideline you. Rocks piercing the foot or breaking a toe on a curb is the end of a barefoot experiment, so you can wear vibram five fingers as an urban stepping stone to barefoot hiking.But it looks like strange and odd. Can anybody wear sock with it? It is the biggest confuse in people's mind.

Recently, it is proved by experiment. Through much research and the study of the Tarahumara tribes he was able to find his ability to run. He reflected that barefoot runners will run in all weather. Some will wear waterproof socks in cold weather. Others will run barefoot despite the climate or surface.

Many boast wonderful benefits of barefoot running, such as injuries decreasing, a visible increase in arch height. There are shoes, such as Vibram Five Fingers Shoes that may be used to either ease people in to running barefoot or providing protection if an environment is just too dangerous to run in while barefoot.It is a new fashion to wearing five finger shoes, also with the correct concept of barefoot running, it is easy for people to buy vibram five fingers, no matter in stores or online.

If you are interested in purchasing barefoot running shoes, please visit www.Invisibleshoe.com - If you are a barefoot runner and want more information on running barefoot or barefoot running sandals, visit Invisible Shoe. We are the foremost authority on barefoot running sandals.